This web application is a recreation of a game that I play regularly built using the MERN stack. This project is a fairly normal version of sudoku however, I have created it using my own API which is available to the public. My version of sudoku is also driven by the community as the only boards available to play are to be submitted through the application's built-in system for puzzle submissions. The server will run checks to confirm it's a valid board before being added to the database along with the solution attached to the data entry. The solution was found using a backtracking algorithm which would guess the number and falling back when it creates an invalid board, repeating until the board is solved.
This project uses tools such as Express, MongoDB, and React. This project was also primarily coded in JavaScript.
Personal Goals
The goal of this project was to recreate a game that I have always enjoyed playing along with providing the opportunity to create a responsive website. This was one of the projects in which I have made a responsive website and the game should be playable on most major mobile devices as well as a typical computer screen. I also wanted to create an up-to-date application that is accessible to anyone via cloud-hosted services. This was also my first time using the complete MERN stack.
No Time To Weight
No Time To Weight is a work-in-progress project that I am currently undertaking. The aim of the project is to provide a public, open-source way to track weight. This is something I designed myself to help me with my own weight goals but it can be used by anyone for any reason. I want to create an easy-to-use application that will chart your progress.
This project uses tools such as Express, EJS, Chart.js, SQLite, and Bootstrap. This project was also primary coded in JavaScript.
Personal Goals
The goal of this project is to familiarize myself with CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap. I also strive to set up another cloud-hosted web application to further increase my experience with providing service to the public.
Budget Web App
This web application was designed to be hosted in a Docker container, a server, or even a small personal computer such as a Raspberry Pi. I created this project with the thought of making a simplified version of an Excel spreadsheet. This project allows users to create as many tables as they'd like, with whatever categories they need. As entries are added to each table, the graph will automatically update the chart to help visualize avaiable balances and spending habits. The app also automatically saves with every update and loads the current month's spendings whenever the page is visited. The files for previous and current months are then saved locally and can be accessed at any point.
This project uses tools such as Express, React, and Chart.js. This project was also primarily coded in TypeScript along with JavaScript.
Personal Goals
Some personal goals for this project was to refamiliarize myself with TypeScript as well as refining my skills with React.
Spotify-Lyrics App
The Spotify-Lyrics App was one of my first major coding projects that I was heavily interested in. My primary motivation for taking on this project was when Spotify had initially removed lyrics from their songs and so I wanted to create something to fill that void (even though this project was eventually made obsolete with Spotify's reintegration of lyrics). I also had the desire to use public APIs and was happy when I found out that both Spotify and Genius offered the use of their APIs for free. The goal of this project was to design an alternate web player version of Spotfiy's official web player and application, except with the reimplementation of lyrics for the current song that's playing. This was done by utilizing both Spotify and Genius's API to find the current song that was playing and pulling the lyrics from the latter.
This project uses tools such as Express, React, Spotify's API, and Genius's API. This project was also primary coded in JavaScript.
Personal Goals
A big personal goal for me was to complete my first big personal project. This was also my first time using React, Express, and public APIs.